Saturday, May 23, 2020

Kant And Anselm Argument For God s Existence - 1129 Words

Kant and Anselm: The Argument for God’s Existence Philosophers have for long debated on the existence of a Supreme all powerful and all perfect God, Kant, and Anselm being among them. Where Anselm has supported the presence of God and all the attributes that regard to the Him, Kant has risen up with a counter argument. The interaction between the two, the philosophical objection raised by Kant, and what this means to the rest of mankind will be analyzed in this paper. To begin with, Anselm introduces the Ontological argument as a viral component of the religious aspect of mankind. The presence of a God should not be debated. He portrays this God as an all perfect being that represents the divine concept. He argues that no being is greater than God whether imagined or perceived by the human mind. From the human perspective of divinity, God’s existence is merely an idea of the mind. Even though man’s imagination can present an even higher being than God, it fails to make sense in philosophical principles since it is contradictory. Also, the existence of God can be conceptualized. This means that the senses of man are enough to act as proof of the presence of a being higher and more powerful than him. Philosophy allows for proof to be logical and factual as well as imaginative. From this point, the objection to an idea or imagination such as the existence of God makes his presence even more realistic. Anselm’s argument, therefore , provides the idea of God’s existence as realityShow MoreRelatedKant And Anselm : Argument For God s Existence1142 Words   |  5 PagesYourLastName†¨Instructor s Name†¨Course Title†¨21 November 2016 Any Topic (Writer s Choice) Kant and Anselm: The Argument for God’s Existence Philosophers have for long debated on the existence of a Supreme all powerful and all perfect God, Kant, and Anselm being among them. Where Anselm has supported the presence of God and all the attributes that regard to the Him, Kant has risen up with a counter argument. The interaction between the two, the philosophical objection raised by Kant, and what this meansRead MoreAnshelm ¬Ã‚ ¥s Proof of God ¬Ã‚ ¥s Existence1466 Words   |  6 PagesThe question about the existence of God or, more generally speaking, of a supernatural entity that steers the course of the world, is probably as old as humanity itself. Many great philosophers were concerned with this basic and yet so important question which remains to be a controversial issue to this day! In the following I will commit myself to the above-mentioned question by firstly reconstructing Anselm ´s proof of God ´s existence and secondly considering his position in the light of the critiqueRead MoreEssay about Anselms Onto logical Argument680 Words   |  3 Pagesphilosopher, Saint Anselm strove to prove the existence of God in reality. The bulk of his argument is found in Chapter II of Proslogium. Anselm begins by defining God as amp;#8220;a being than which nothing greater can be conceived;. He continues by stating that amp;#8220;even a fool; has the capacity to understand this definition of God and that whatever is understood exists in the understanding. Anselm now draws his first intermediate inference based on these initial premises; God must exist inRead MoreAnselm s Argument On The Ontological Argument1614 Words   |  7 PagesPrologion, Anselm argues that God exists, otherwise known as the ontological argument. Anselm believes that â€Å"there is no doubt that something than which a greater cannot be thought exists both in the understanding and in reality (Anselm, Proslogion, 7).† In other words, we cannot imagine something that is able to be greater than God; it would be a contradiction to think being greater than the greatest possible being that can be thought of. A number of philosophers do not agree with Anselm’s argument, suchRead More Gods Existence Essay1554 Words   |  7 Pageshas challenged the existence of God. This may happen for a number of reasons. For example he or she might have been at a point in their life when their faith alone was just not enough for them to believe. Humans have a natural instinct to find reasons for events that canamp;#8217;t be explained. For some, the existence of God may help give them the answers they are looking for. Philosophers spend a great deal of their time trying to prove or to disprove the existence of God. One philosopher thatRead MoreHeidegger, Kant, And The Ontological Argument985 Words   |  4 PagesHeidegger, Kant, and the Ontological Argument In the introduction to The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, Martin Heidegger explains that throughout the history of philosophy, there has been many discoveries of the â€Å"domains of being† viz., â€Å"nature, space, and soul†. However, none of these discoveries could be appreciated in a way that clarifies â€Å"their specific being.† As an example, Heidegger interprets this problem, as the reason Plato understood why the soul, along with its logos, was a differentRead MoreEssay on Anselm’s Ontological Argument1217 Words   |  5 PagesThe ontological argument for God’s existence is a work of art resulting from philosophical argumentation. An ontological argument for the existence of God is one that attempts the method of a priori proof, which utilizes intuition and reason alone. The term a priori refers to deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is the type of reasoning that proceeds from general principles or premises to derive particular information. The argument works by examining the concept of God, and arguing that it impliesRead MoreOntological Argument Is Not Reliant On An Posteriori933 Words   |  4 PagesOntological Argument Saint Anselm created the â€Å"Ontological Argument†. Saint Anselm was the archbishop of Canterbury. The premise of Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument is that, no greater being can be conceived than God. The Ontological Argument is an a priori or deductive argument. An a priori argument does not have to be supported by real or factual evidence just by reason without observation. Thus, the Ontological Argument is not reliant on an a posteriori premise. An a posteriori argument is anRead MoreThe Ontological Argument By Anselm1524 Words   |  7 Pages I will begin my paper by discussing the two major versions of the ontological argument by Anselm presented in the proslogion. The first being â€Å"Possible and actual existence†, and the second being â€Å"Contingent or Necessary†. One should start off with the first summarized in the standard form as follows: #1 It is a conceptual truth that God is a being than which none greater can be imagined. #2 God exists as an idea in the mind. #3 A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, otherRead MoreExploring the Ontological Argument1746 Words   |  7 PagesExploring the Ontological Argument For nearly a thousand years, the ontological argument has captured the attention of philosophers. The ontological argument was revolutionary in its sequence from thought to reality. It was an argument that did not require any corresponding experiment in reality; it functioned without the necessity of empirical data. Despite flaws and problems found in some ontological arguments and the objections raised to those arguments, ontological arguments still provide a phenomenal

Monday, May 18, 2020

Opossum Facts (Order Didelphimorphia)

The opossum (order Didelphimorphia) is the only marsupial found in the Americas. The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is the single species found in the United States, but at least 103 species occur in the Western Hemisphere. The word opossum comes from the Powhatan or Algonquian name for the animal, which roughly translates as white dog. Although the opossum is commonly called a possum, some marsupials in the Eastern Hemisphere are also called possums (suborder Phalangeriformes). Fast Facts: Opossum Scientific Name: Order Didelphimorphia (e.g., Didelphis virginiana)Common Names: Opossum, possumBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 13-37 inches plus 8-19 inch tailWeight: 11 ounces to 14 poundsLifespan: 1-2 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: North, Central, and South AmericaPopulation: Abundant and increasing (Virginia opossum)Conservation Status: Least Concern (Virginia opossum) Description Didelphimorphs range from the size of a rodent to that of a domestic cat. The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), which is also known as the North American opossum, varies in size according to its habitat and sex. Opossums in the northern portion of their range are much larger than those that live further south. Males are much larger than females. On average, the Virginia opossum ranges from 13 to 37 inches in length from nose to the base of the tail, with a tail adding another 8 to 19 inches of length. Males weight between 1.7 and 14 pounds, while females weigh between 11 ounces and 8.2 pounds. Virginia opossums have gray or brown fur and white, pointed faces. They have hairless prehensile tails, hairless ears, and opposable thumbs on their rear paws. As with other marsupials, the female has a bifurcated vagina and a pouch, while the male has a forked penis. Opossums have prehensile tails and opposable thumbs on their rear feet. Frank Lukasseck, Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Opossums live in North, Central, and South America. The only species found in North America is the Virginia opossum, which lives along the West Coast of the United States, and from the Midwest all the way to the East Coast and throughout most of Mexico and Central America. However, climate change has been extending the Virginia opossums range into Canada. Although the opossum prefers a wooded habitat, it is highly adaptable and often lives in urban environments. Diet The opossum is a nocturnal omnivore. It is primarily a scavenger, feeding on carcasses, garbage, pet food, eggs, fruit, grain, and other plants. Opossums also eat insects, other small invertebrates, birds and their eggs, rodents, and frogs. Behavior The opossum is best known for playing possum or playing dead. When a possum is threatened, it initially responds by hissing and baring its teeth, but further stimulation triggers an involuntary response that puts the animal in a near-coma state. The possum falls onto its side with open eyes and mouth and expels a stinky fluid from its anus that basically causes it to smell like rotten meat. Its heart rate and breathing slow, but the animal remains fully conscious. The response repels predators that avoid carcasses. Playing possum isnt under the opossums control, so an opossum knows what is going on around it, but cant simply get up and leave when a threat has passed. The feigned death may last a few minutes or up to six hours. Playing possum is an involuntary response to a perceived threat. Joe McDonald, Getty Images Opossums do not hibernate in winter. Since they dont dig dens or build burrows, the animals seek shelter when temperatures drop. In cold habitats, they commonly overwinter in garages, sheds, or under homes. Reproduction and Offspring The average opossum estrous cycle is 28 days, but the number of litters they bear per year depends on the species. The Virginia opossum breeds between December and October, with most young born February through June. The female has between one and three litters per year. Opossums are solitary animals. The male attracts the female by making a clicking sound. The pair separates after mating. As marsupials, females give birth to numerous young (as many as 50) very early in development. The young climb from their mothers vagina to teats within her pouch. A female only has 13 teats, so at most 13 young may survive. Typically only eight or nine young, called joeys, emerge from the pouch after two and a half months. The joeys climb onto their mothers back and stay with her for four or five months before venturing out on their own. In the wild, an opossum lives one to two years. This short lifespan is typical of marsupials. In captivity, an opossum may live up to four years, but it still ages rapidly. Conservation Status The conservation status of the opossum depends on the species. Some species are threatened or extinct. The only type of opossum found in North America is the Virginia opossum, which the IUCN classifies as least concern. Although hunted, trapped, and accidentally killed, Virginia opossums are abundant and generally increasing in population. Opossums and Humans The major cause of opossum mortality is motor vehicle collision. Opossums are hunted for fur and food. Their fat is high in essential fatty acids and may be used in therapeutic skin salves. Although not aggressive, the opossum is not an ideal pet. First, its illegal to keep an opossum as a pet in many states unless you have a wildlife rehabilitation license or wildlife hobby permit. Even then, the creatures are challenging to keep because they are nocturnal animals that require a varied diet and have inherently short lifespans. Wild opossums are useful to have around because they control tick, rodent, and snake populations. Unlike many mammals, they arent susceptible to rabies. Sources De Barros, M. A.; Panattoni Martins, J. F.; Samoto, V. Y.; Oliveira, V. C.; Gonà §alves, N.; Manà §anares, C. A.; Vidane, A.; Carvalho, A. F.; Ambrà ³sio, C. E.; Miglino, M. A. Marsupial morphology of reproduction: South America opossum male model. Microscopy Research and Technique. 76 (4): 388–97, 2013.  Gardner, A.L. Order Didelphimorphia. In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 6, 2005. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.McManus, John J. Behavior of Captive Opossums, Didelphis marsupialis virginiana, American Midland Naturalist, 84 (1): 144–169, July, 1970. doi:10.2307/2423733Mithun, Marianne. The Languages of Native North America. Cambridge University Press. p. 332, 2001. ISBN 978-0-521-29875-9.Pà ©rez-Hernandez, R., Lew, D. Solari, S. Didelphis virginiana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T40502A22176259. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T40502A2217 6259.en

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Learn Ten Facts About Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C., officially called the District of Columbia, is the capital of the United States. It was founded on July 16, 1790, and today has a city population of 599,657 (2009 estimate) and an area of 68 square miles (177 sq km). It should be noted, however, that during the week, Washington, D.C.s population rises to well over one million people due to suburban commuters. The population of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area was 5.4 million people as of 2009. Washington, D.C. is home to all three branches of the U.S. government as well as many international organizations and the embassies of 174 foreign nations. In addition to being the center of U.S. government, Washington, D.C. is known for its history, many historic national monuments and famous museums like the Smithsonian Institution. The following is a list of ten important things to know about Washington, D.C. Inhabited by the Nacotchtank Tribe of Native Americans When Europeans first arrived in what is present-day Washington, D.C. in the 17th century the area was inhabited by the Nacotchtank tribe of Native Americans. By the 18th century though, Europeans had relocated the tribe and the region was becoming developed. In 1749, Alexandria, Virginia was founded and in 1751, the Province of Maryland chartered Georgetown along the Potomac River. Eventually, both were included in the original Washington, D.C. District. The Residence Act In 1788, James Madison stated that the new U.S. nation would need a capital that was distinct from the states. Shortly thereafter, Article I of the U.S Constitution stated that a district, separate from the states, would become the seat of government. On July 16, 1790, the Residence Act established that this capital district would be located along the Potomac River and President George Washington would decide exactly where. The Organic Act Officially Organized the District of Columbia Initially, Washington, D.C. was a square and measured ten miles (16 km) on each side. First, a federal city was constructed near Georgetown and on September 9, 1791, the city was named Washington and the newly established federal district was named Columbia. In 1801, the Organic Act officially organized the District of Columbia and it was expanded to include Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria. The War of 1812 In August 1814, Washington, D.C. was attacked by British forces during the War of 1812 and the Capitol, Treasury and White House were all burned. They were quickly repaired however and governmental operations resumed. In 1846, Washington, D.C. lost some of its area when Congress returned all District territory south of the Potomac back to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Organic Act of 1871 then combined the City of Washington, Georgetown and Washington County into a single entity known as the District of Columbia. This is the region that became known as todays Washington, D.C. Washington D.C. Is Still Considered Separate Today, Washington, D.C. is still considered separate from its neighboring states (Virginia and Maryland) and it is governed by a mayor and a city council. The U.S. Congress, however, has the highest authority over the area and it can overturn local laws if necessary. In addition, residents of Washington, D.C. were not allowed to vote in presidential elections until 1961. Washington, D.C. also has a non-voting Congressional delegate but it does not have any senators. Economy Focused on Service and Government Jobs Washington, D.C. currently has a large growing economy that is mainly focused on the service sector and government jobs. According to Wikipedia, in 2008, federal government jobs made up 27% of the jobs in Washington, D.C. In addition to government jobs, Washington, D.C. also has industries related to education, finance, and research. D.C. Is 68 Square Miles The total area of Washington, D.C. today is 68 square miles (177 sq km) - all of which formerly belonged to Maryland. The area is surrounded by Maryland on three sides and Virginia to the south. The highest point in Washington, D.C. is Point Reno at 409 feet (125 m) and it is located in the Tenleytown neighborhood. Much of Washington, D.C. is parkland and the district was highly planned during its initial construction. Washington, D.C. is divided into four quadrants: the Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest. Each quadrant radiates out from the Capitol building. The Climate Is Humid Subtropical The climate of Washington, D.C. is considered humid subtropical. It has cold winters with average snowfall at about 14.7 inches (37 cm) and hot, humid summers. The average January low temperature is 27.3ËšF (-3ËšC) while the average July high is 88ËšF (31ËšC). The Population Distribution As of 2007, Washington, D.C. had a population distribution of 56% African American, 36% White, 3% Asian and 5% other. The district has had a significant population of African Americans since its founding largely because of the freeing of slaves in the southern states following the American Revolution. Recently, however, the percentage of African Americans has been declining in Washington, D.C. as more of the population moves to the suburbs. Cultural Center of the U.S. Washington, D.C. is considered a cultural center of the U.S. because of its many National Historic Landmarks, museums and historic places such as the Capitol and White House. Washington, D.C. is home to the National Mall which is a large park within the city and it contains museums like the Smithsonian and the National Museum of Natural History. The Washington Monument is located on the west end of the National Mall. Sources: (5 October 2010). Washington Monument - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from: (30 September 2010). Washington, D.C. - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:,_D.C.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Modern Day Of The World - 1342 Words

There they sit, mentally and physically preparing for the modern and civilized equivalent of battle. The modern-day gladiators in waiting, ready to take on whatever is in their path, hoping to one day win the gold they covet, and for there is also the ones with the hope of one day being one of the fortunate few that could be able to say that they do this for a living, but before they can, they must climb through the ranks. For some it is as direct as joining their first competition and slowly building their reputation, but for others they must walk into lions den and offer their fealty to the ruler before they can compete. That is case for hundreds of thousands of kids leaving the nest to play at the next level, but the next level is not†¦show more content†¦Also, I will discuss why High School athletes join the NCAA. Then I will discuss how much money is made off of student-athletes. Following with, how the NCAA currently compensates student-athletes. Finally I will enter i nto the meat of the topic of why the NCAA currently does not monetarily compensate their student-athletes, and why they should. Before diving head first into the issue, context must be added and no place is a better starting point than the bedrock for the topic title student-athlete. At first glance of the title student-athlete, one can conclude from the hyphenated title that two titles are linked, they go hand in hand, they exist simultaneously. If the hyphen was created for something in mind it was the for the student-athlete. To start the NCAA reasonably has certain requirements that the Division 1 student-athletes must satisfy. One of them is the completely reasonable, but I will go into detail about what makes it a bit problematic: students must maintain a base cumulative G.P.A. of 1.8 that progressively increases to 2.0 as their hours increase (NCAA). Another rule is, to remain eligible to play the student-athlete must be on track to graduate within 5 years by having as the NCAA says, â€Å"40 percent of the coursework required for a degree by the end of their second year. They must complete 60 percent by the end of their third year and 80 percent by the end of their fourthShow MoreRelatedThe Modern Day Finance World Essay1635 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION What happened between the years 2007 and 2009 was nothing nice, the modern-day finance world being primarily influenced by financial or monetary concern in the shape of â€Å"financial crisis,† as the whole financial support system convulsed to its roots and as the world went through its worst economic failure and disaster of the current times. 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Comparing Gender Roles of Americans over Past 100 Yrs Free Essays

Kristal Smith Professor Ryan Enc 1101 Section 39547 November 22, 2012 Contemporary Roles vs Roles 100 Years Ago If we look at America 100 years ago, the changes from then to now are phenomenal. In 1906, the average life span was 47 years. Only 18% of the homes had their own private bathtub. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing Gender Roles of Americans over Past 100 Yrs or any similar topic only for you Order Now There were only 8000 cars total in the United States with only 144 miles of paved road. [1] Today we have an estimate 250 million registered vehicles in the United States. There have been laws passed that every home must have its own bathtub and fresh source of water. Considering the changes the United States has made over the past 100 years, it is no surprise that the roles of men and women have changed as well. The roles of men and women in contemporary society verses their roles in society 100 years ago present a large gap of physical and psychological differences. The American woman of the 1900’s was to be seen, not heard. She was the homemaker and the one to raise the children. She cooked, cleaned, tended the laundry, taught the children and took care of her husband. She had no rights or freedoms in the political or religious world. was Limited rights and freedoms with a full load of responsibility was a difficult task to succeed at however the role was well defined which provided a sense of security. She was able to maintain a soft and emotional dispostion simply because there were no expectations of her to be any other way. The 1900’s American woman is the definition of what we term the traditional role of a woman. [2] Her counterpart, the 1900’s American man, was the worker, provider and protector. He had a voice in politics and religion. He gained respect and prestige by his job, his wife, and his children. The role of the man was simple but very important. He was strong and secure with the emotional support of his wife. The roles of the 1900 American women and man complimented each other well and were successful. The American woman role of modern day society has evolved since the 1900’s. In modern day, woman have the right to vote and run for presidency if she chooses to. Women have equal rights as men in the political and religious fields as well in the work force. In modern day, many women work and help support financially for their family. The modern day American woman has more weight and stress to carry along with her rights and freedoms. This often prevents her from being soft and emotional. Their counterpart, the modern day American man, still follow the traditional roles of being the provider and the protector, but there are also a lot of â€Å"stay-at-home† dads which means they are now the homemaker. In some cases, he is not the protector and security which can affect his masculinity. It is complicated to adequately detail the modern day roles of men and women as the lines are no longer clearly defined. The past 100 years has served the American man and woman a diverse amount of changes from woman gaining equal rights to men cooking and cleaning. In the 1900’s, the roles of women and men were clearly defined and accepted. Today, the roles are not defined and the expectations are confused. Men and women both can now be the political leader, the provider, the homemaker, and the protector. The modern day roles of men and women sharing rights and freedoms are perceived as a good thing. Perhaps the traditional roles were more successful at complimenting each other as they eliminated the problem of gender role confusion. Works Cited 1. â€Å"Women 100 years Ago vs Women Now† http://recomparison. com/comparisons/100358/women-100-years-ago-vs-women-now/ 2. â€Å"100 Years Ago in America† http://rense. com/general70/100yrs. htm Copyright  © 2002 JPS/Kitco Inc How to cite Comparing Gender Roles of Americans over Past 100 Yrs, Essay examples

Antonio Canovas Sculpture Psyche Revived by Loves Kiss free essay sample

Hilary Sans GEN 143 A Assignment 1 Word Count: Antonio Canovas Sculpture: Psyche Revived by Loves Kiss This statue follows a common theme about the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses, which have always had an intriguing amount of drama. This in which gave the sculptors and artists of many decades time to express these feelings throughout their work. This particular sculpture is done by Antonio Canova about the story of Psyche and how Cupid awoke her with a kiss after completing tasks put forth to her by Venus. With a undeniable theme of Lust or Love, this piece most efinitely had caught my eye. Just another girl getting caught up in those mushy love stories! When taking a look at this piece of artwork, the first thing I noticed was the way that Cupid is holding Psyche in such a delicate manner, and also how Psyche is caressing Cupids hair. We will write a custom essay sample on Antonio Canovas Sculpture: Psyche Revived by Loves Kiss or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is definitely an act of care towards each other, and is an obvious display that Cupid is rescuing Psyche from her deep sleep. Little did we know, that Cupid was sent to make Psyche fall in love with a monster but fell for her beauty and instead pricked himself with the arrow so that he would fall in love with er. Another characteristic that I called attention upon was the very soft lines in which their body is positioned. This conveys a much more frangible moment and a more elegant movement in the piece. With this delicateness of the curves, I also noticed that Cupid looks like he is almost balancing on his toes. This implies that he is light and flighty as Cupid should be. He does not have a muscular structure because Canova probably wanted to capture the fact that Cupid is not usually considered a powerful God, but more of a young boy. Cupid is also grasping Psyches breast hich, once again, implies that he is the God of lust which is usually associated with the act of physical relations with one another. This art piece was created with the neoclassical style which uses a lot more emotion in the facial features and their limbs were sculpted in such a manner that looks like they could move. This sculpture also shows narrative and tells the story, the story between the two characters. Their positioning shows what may happen next, and obviously Cupid (the God of Lust himself) has fallen for Psyche. This style also ses a imperfect forms of the body, the limbs are elongated and dramatic. In previous art periods, the imperfect body was not accepted as true fine art and going artist. Overall, this piece has been able to capture the beauty between the two lovers and a definite story told of lust for another despite what Cupids mother, Venus, had ordered him to do out of Jealousy. I must say that I really enjoyed stumbling upon this piece and it had intrigued me to take a look at more of Antonio Canovas pieces. Lust? Love? Who knows what it was, but the sculpture is gorgeous.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

PTSD Symptoms and Treatments Essay Example For Students

PTSD Symptoms and Treatments Essay PTSD Symptoms and Treatments Essay Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is one of the deepest injuries that Vietnam War veterans received during their time of battle (Arpey). Unlike many other illnesses, PTSD cannot be measured by physical scientific fact (Arpey). It is something that can only be understood by a person who has experienced something as traumatic as the Vietnam War. The definition for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder given by the Websters New World College Dictionary is, a condition characterized by recurring and, often, disabling symptoms of anxiety, depression, etc., that later affects some persons who have experienced a traumatic event or situation, especially combat. PTSD was first named Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after the war because symptoms did not seem to appear for years, even decades (Arpey). After the symptoms actually did start showing up and making an impact on society, the government started to be concerned. They started doing extensive research on the syndrome and then went further to name it a disorder (Arpey). PTSD can occur in anyone no matter what the age, as long as they have been through a traumatic experience. Many common disasters that bring on PTSD are rapes, floods, abductions, airplane crashes, and hostage situations (Morrison 269). Also, children that have undergone sexual abuse are likely to suffer from it (Morrison 269). It seems, however, that survivors of combat are the most frequent victims (Morrison 269). It is more likely for a younger adult to acquire PTSD than for someone that is older(Morrison 269). This could be why such an apparent outbreak of PTSD occurred after the Vietnam War. After all, the average age of a soldier drafted to Vietnam was nineteen. Some of the symptoms that occur with PTSD are: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, irritability or outbursts of anger, difficulty concentrating, hypervigilance, and exaggerated startle response (Frances 428). The PTSD sufferer often goes through reexperiencing of the event or events that have traumatized he or she (Frances 428). It can occur in many different ways, although the person goes through much avoidance and self denial of the subject. Many sufferers have extensive personal problems in their lives while dealing with PTSD. Right after the event, the person often experiences psychic numbing, which is a large disinterest to the outside world (Frances 425). Much of the time, the person stops participating in activities that they once enjoyed, and start to feel detached from people that they once felt strong emotions toward (Frances 425). They seem to have a problem with intimacy, affection, and sexuality (Frances 425). The problem is, like everything else, they do not care about it anymore. Often times, the individual can not foresee themselves having any kind of a future such as a marriage, children, or a career. They even believe that they will have a shortened life span (Frances 425). Much of PTSD trauma is brought on by guilt. The feeling that, I should have done something to save them, or It should have been me, not him, occur in the sufferers (Frances 425). It is difficult for these people to deal with the fact that they survived and someone that they cared about had to die. This is one of the main reasons that PTSD sufferers have a problem getting too close to anyone while dealing with all of these emotions. They fear that they will be put in a similar situation that would resemble what happened to them in Vietnam. It is imperative for them to avoid these situations and thoughts at all costs. (Frances 425). PTSD brings a lot of pain and suffering upon Vietnam veterans and their families, Comparison of Mother Figures in Medea and Mother Courage EssayPTSD brings a lot of pain and suffering upon Vietnam veterans and theirfamilies,but the good news is that there is help for them. Therapists have studiedmany PTSDpatients and found different helpful approaches to use (Friedman). Some ofthe mostcommon therapeutic treatments are: Psychodynamic therapy,cognitivebehavioraltherapy, pharmacotherapy, group, family, couples, and inpatient treatment,and treatmentfor patients dually diagnosed with PTSD and alcoholism/substance abuse(Friedman). Alcohol and drug abuse is very commonly found in PTSD sufferers because it isthe bestway to take them away from their nightmares for a short amount of time. Oncethe drugwears off, however, they are right back where they started from. Dr. Matthew J. Friedman states on his website that it is generally agreed bytherapists working with trauma patients, that therapy can be divided intothree phases. The first phase is to establish trust and safety. By acquiring these twothings, the therapistearns the right to gain access (Friedman). The second phase is traumafocused therapy. This is exploring the traumatic material in depth and bringing out therecollections thatwere previously avoided or numbed by the patient (Friedman). The third phaseis to helpthe patient disconnect from the traumatic experience and reconnect withfamily, friends,and society (Friedman). Some cases of PTSD are less complicated than others. In fact, it is actuallycalleduncomplicated PTSD (Friedman). This mild type of PTSD can be treated bygroup,psychodynamic, cognitivebehavioral, pharmacological, or combinationapproaches(Friedman). It is very similar to the treatments of the more severe cases,but the onlydifference is that it takes less time to bring out the insecurities of thesufferer. It seemsthat the group therapy is most helpful in these situations because thepatients feelcomfortable and excited about talking to others that are going through thesame thing thatthey are (Friedman). They are able to share their stories and they do notfeel quite asalone. Another very helpful type of therapy for PTSD is psychodynamic psychotherapy(Friedman). This focuses on the traumatic event itself. The patient gains agreater senseof strength and defense by retelling his/her story to a compassionate, non-judgmental,calm therapist (Friedman). The therapist continually helps the patientdiscover situationsof their present life that helps to set off traumatic memories (Friedman). There is only so much that a therapist can do to help out PTSD patients. Usuallywith time and patience, the suffer is able to come around and begin to live anormal life. PTSD weighs very heavily on a persons mind and heart. It takes muchstrength andcourage to overcome such memories and feelings of guilt. With propertreatment andtime, however, the patient is able to decipher between the past, present. They also realizethat it is possible for them to move on with their lives and have a future. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-